“The price of greatness is responsibility.”
Sir Winston Churchill
We have generated a new environment and illustrated a strong example of the effectiveness of the sustainable development principle.
International PPP InvestFund

Since 2003, the UNICAP management company has been keeping an ear to the ground of the implementation of large-scale PPP-based infrastructure projects, in accordance with the goals of UNDP, and strives to use international best practices, including the PPP standards developed by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe based on the principle of “people above all” (People-first PPP).
The key objective is the effective management of private equity funds. We invest in the development of healthcare, industry, energy, and infrastructure relationships. The main activity of the company is concentrated in the development of socially significant industries, for instance, at the moment, special attention is paid to the housing sector. The activities of the management company UNICAP have made it possible to ensure European-quality water for millions of people.
The UNICAP foundation is based on the principle of sustainable development of the UN.
We follow the goal of commitment to environmental, social and management issues (ESG) as a guarantee of stable development on the basis of a trustful and mutually beneficial alliance with the state.
Based on the principles of ESG, UNICAP has implemented and is steadily adhering to the British concept of Private Financial Initiative (PFI). This allowed us to use the “Blue Ocean Strategy” to create “blue oceans” for private investors in sectors that are in the area of responsibility of the state.
Currently, we manage UNICAP FUND1 with a total value of €200 million.
We have a developed portfolio of projects for more than €1.7 billion. Projects are based on state programs, geographically segmented and independent of each other, divided into industrial and operational-engineering parts.
take place
ESG factors
As part of UNICAP establishment, a new progressive vision for the expansion of economic, political and social opportunities was presented, committing to environmental, social, and governance criteria (ESG).
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