The UNICAP management company took its first steps in 2003, starting development with the implementation of infrastructure projects based on energy-efficient contracts in the field of ecology, energy and resource conservation in partnership with a number of multinational corporations.
In 2012 the largest event in the history of the United Nations took place – the World Conference on Sustainable Development of the United Nations, which resulted in the founding of the international PPP investment fund UNITED INNOVATION CAPITAL (UNICAP) as a result of a long search for solutions to implement large-scale infrastructure projects on the basis of PPP – the state – private partnership.
As part of the founding of UNICAP, a new progressive vision was presented of expanding economic, political and social opportunities based on a commitment to environmental, social and management issues (ESG).
Based on the principles of ESG, UNICAP has implemented and is steadily adhering to the British concept of Private Financial Initiative (PFI). This allowed us to create “blue oceans” for private investors in sectors that are in the area of responsibility of the state.
With the advent of UNICAP, a number of governments have become able to transfer state-owned objects of strategic, social and political importance to the business for temporary long- and medium-term use, while retaining the right to regulate and control their activities.
At the moment, the PFI UNICAP concept is the only alternative to privatizing vital state-owned strategic objects.
We have generated a new environment and, using our example, showed the effectiveness of this model.
UNICAP invests in industry, energy, transport and healthcare.
At this stage, the company’s attention has focused around the housing sector as the most promising industry.
Our main difference from other companies is fundamental, because we have experience and market knowledge, thanks to which we successfully attract investments and implement projects based on the principles of public-private partnership. At the moment, water treatment facilities have been built in a number of cities, water treatment has been modernized in energy and industry, implemented a number of sports facilities. The quality of all supplied water meets modern European standards.